

Women’s designer LV handbags online outlet

The only drawback is that you cannot touch or feel the product and someone may try to pass a replica of the original designer LV handbags. It is really difficult to make a choice when you visit a mall for shopping handbags. Technology has provided the option of online shopping to women shoppers.


You can ask retail store owners whether they have an option for online sale or if they could recommend some websites that offer cheap handbags wholesale. Many retailers share this information, if they have good terms with the client. It is always good to get recommendation from someone who is in the business of selling women's designer handbags.


You should keep in mind the location of the seller. Gucci, D&G, etc. don't manufacture designer bags in China. Any reputable seller will want happy customers and will not need a restocking fee to stay in business. It is very important to do a proper research, for finding a reputable seller.


If you meet with an online producer who claims that his designer handbags wholesale are "guaranteed" or "authentic" handbags, then you must have a good idea of the truth behind the so called genuine handbag.


Get Replica Coach Handbags for your Child on this special day

Replica coach handbags are for the girls and teenagers who just prefer to carry around the essentials and can take many chic forms although often resemble the Gucci design. However, it is featured by one or two short straps and worn over one shoulder and is essentially a replica coach shoulder bag.


To begin with, nearly all women tend to match their handbags to the color and style of the shoes or other accessories. But through the charm of my cable box, we have a recap anyway! She by Coach Handbags it’s Lisa's line, Closet Freak, which apparently got thrown together so quickly that it'll make a Project Runway designs.


Contrary to what you might be expecting, the fake coach purses do not match the coach outlet store price tags! All items displayed on the site are usually in stock in our warehouse and will be Replica Coach dispatched the same day if ordered before 3 pm. With the ever changing styles, designer inspired handbags are always fickle too.




Designer LV Monogram Jokes Graduate Bag

This season designer LV presents us a funny designer handbag which is Jokes Graduate Bag. You may doubt how and why it is funny. As a matter of fact, it features funny appearance and funny jokes. The designer LV handbags are basically a monogram bag that has been stained by paint and have jokes written on the body.


As for me, I really don't consider it is a funny joke. Nevertheless, we still cannot deny the thinking of the famous artist. Also, if you are a person who don’t like too many words printed your bag, that isn't the one for you. As a matter of fact, it is the great collaboration of LV creative director Marc Jacobs and Richard Prince that create such a particular funny design.


Generally speaking, all of the designer handbags wholesale represent the essence of his works. Let's take a good look at the Monogram cheap handbags wholesale. As for where the jokes from, they are works of famous artist Richard Prince, who is known for his jokes series about sexual frustrations and middle-class American mentality. Besides, the joke and cloud are printed using a special procedure. It features rolled leather handles and zip top closure.


http://www.candicedesignerhandbag.com provides a wide range of replica designer handbags including Louis Vuitton, Prada, Chanel, Gucci and many other brands. Free shipping worldwide! Welcome to Angel's blog: http://www.candicedesignerhandbag.com.



A new trend arise in the fashion world-----designer LV handbags

It is widely acknowledged that women have a positive intention for designer handbags wholesale as all fake purses offer a way for women to have the best in style at prices. However, the price now makes it possible for these women to take pleasure in the variety of designs created from the imaginations of favorite famous labels.

Otherwise, the Coach brand is known for offering stunning leather-fashioned ladies' bags. Some of the styles from the many top brands in fashion are luxurious, sassy and classy. A few exciting cheap handbags wholesale from very impressive designers are perfect models of what such designer purses can provide to female shoppers wanting the best in designer fashion.

Every bag is such a piece of artistic splendor with stunning detailing and shades that mimic the natural world. What’s more, the designer LV handbags offer a clean form possessing a shiny purple hue. Having a chic matching chain that runs all the way down the entire side of the handbag, this is a fitting reason why LV remains to be one of the hottest and very desired names in high fashion.

By taking benefits of wholesale handbags, women have a chance to get the high-fashion designs they want at rates that all can afford. With their special blend of creativity, lavishness and dazzle, women want to purchase such famous name accessories.

The Godfather of fashion world praise the development of Coach

2010 sees the development of coach since its establishment. In order to celebrate, replica coach released its latest carly purses to the public. If you have a glance at them, you will never forget them.

Otherwise, Coach is very famous for its amazing leather accessories. When it was produced, coach has occupied a large market on leather handbags in North America. What’s more, as many people said, coach has ruined the tradition of fake coach purses which has existed for more than 100 years. Most importantly, although the later one is still the largest group of luxury products in the world, coach is more popular than Louis Vuitton in USA and Canada.

So far, people have no concern that their leather coach handbags will easily got damaged. These replica coach handbags don’t have much in common with those classic coach bags. The classic handbags are usually of black or white color.

Electronic marketing------cheap handbags wholesale manufacturer and supplier

When the humankind enter a new era of development----21 century, there appear an idea “The whole world is becoming smaller and smaller and tends to become a global village.” People of different skin color, race, age, gender and so on communicate more frequently than ever. E-marketing spreads widely and quickly around the world. Among many industries, cheap handbags wholesale top others.

They complement the simplest of outfits and render a touch of class and glamour to your appearance. However such designer LV handbags will surely cost you a fortune, unless you shop smart. Latest creations are released at particular times of the year. It is a tried and tested sales tactics to sell off older collections at massively discounted prices. It is a common practice to offer these newly released designs at affordable, special introductory prices. Coach outlet online stores can cut out on establishment and overhead costs. Such savings on the operating costs are then passed on to the customers.

To summarize the above, designer handbags wholesale you can get many discounts at the price that's less than the price of one authentic luxurious handbag. So you no longer need to share the same handbag with your mom or sister.

Get over blocks and tricks when buying at coach outlet store online

I bet you must have heard such kind of saying “A sword has double blades.” It turns out truer if applied to the replica coach industry today. The suppliers and sellers of replica coach handbags are getting smarter and better.

Generally speaking, spotting a fake coach purse is a tough task for the average buyer. However the following guide would be of great help for such shoppers. These tips are helpful for the shopper; no matter he is buying from Coach Outlet or Coach Outlet Store Online. The first thing that must be looked for is the feedback of the buyer for the seller you are planning to purchase from. Another warning sign that indicates that it is better to stay way from the seller is that if there isn't enough feedback about the seller.

The most important thing you have to watch out is to search for the pattern on the canvass of the specific replica handbags. These branded bags will not only carry your look and style but at the same time enable you to avail the replica coach handbags.



Best designer handbags supplier

It is widely known to all that women like bags. You’ll differentiate them from big, little to medium bags in various colors and shapes. LV handbags manufacturer are her very favorite company. What’s more, women prefer fashionable bags to other handbags.

Small and sturdy, this pouch will take you from the market to the bank, to your son’s practice game. I was what you are, and I am designer handbags supplier . Replica bags just give them a possibility to own this kind of, sweatshirt hooded at reduced costs when compared to the authentic wholesale handbags flat denim juicy purses pouch is an adorable, casual way to incorporate LV into your day to day wardrobe. Designer handbags are defined as a reproduction of authentic handbags by an artist.

Coach handbags usually canvas fabric, denim, and cotton nylon lined generally. In general, fringe more color than the bright plastic cloth must be dry, otherwise they will shrink

Earth Day launched an activity of promoting usable replica coach

It is the first time I come across the holiday called earth day, so I get on the internet, and search for it. After reading the material on the internet, I know that it has already existed for a long time. It aims at calling up the conscientiousness of people to protect our earth. Lots of elements such as poverty, pollution, disasters, and diseases and so on threatened our earth.

It is both refreshing and responsible to see a focus on bringing awareness to protecting the environment and planet. A large company like coach outlet group is in the spotlight with consumers and other industry people following what it is the company is doing.

Replica coach is honoring the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day, giving 10% of all sales purchased on their website today to Global Green USA. Along with this fake coach purses are sharing messages on both their website and twitter page on how to they try to help protect the environment.


I think this activity is really meaningful and educational. Now it is urgent for all the people to try their best to make their contribution to the development of our planet. What are you waiting? Get moved~



Coupons of cheap handbags wholesale

With the development of handbags industry, the competition between different brands such as designer LV handbags is getting more and more fierce and rough. So the sellers rack their brains to come up with alluring promoting strategies to attract the customers and potential customers.


Cheap handbags wholesale thought to be one of the most innovative designers of the 20th century; Gianni Versace was born in 1946, in Southern Italy. Versace spent the majority of his time as a child in him mother’s care. Designer handbags wholesale first foray into fashion design was through the theater and ballet for which he created awe-inspiring costumes made of metal, plastic and leather.


Since its debut in 1978, LV handbags have been synonymous with red carpets, supermodels, and jet-set glamour. Designer handbags wholesale the coupons of handbags. If you want to download the electronic versions, please go to http://www.candicedesignerhandbag.com


Proliferation production of replica coach handbags’ sale

Among all the luxurious brands, Coach is seldom known to the world. The history of its development is much shorter than that of LV, Gucci, and Hermes and so on. Of course the craftsmanship of coach brand is relatively weaker than those. On the contrary, replica coach is the pet of female customers.


As a matter of fact, except the popularity in different countries market, Coach is also popular online. At the same time in North America, the company plans to open 10 new stores, down from 20 in each of the past two years. Coach handbags exhibit its prevalence on the internet. For the price is very low, some people bought a lot of replica coach handbags to match their different clothes in various styles. These fake coach purses are sold like hot cakes, which implies that Coach handbags are very popular and prevailing and also suggests that people are tend to buy these handbags with high performance price ratio.


With the demand increasing, the market of sales of knockoff coach handbags also expands a lot. Many producers tend to create a mode of line production by improving the proliferation of coach. It will be not long before we all have our favorite coach handbags.



Exclusive Coach Outlet will surprise you a lot

When a person buys from Coach Outlet Store, he will finally get authentic bags at a discounted price. And such a thing can satisfy all of us.

These stores displays only the genuine products brought directly from the regular boutiques so there is no question for the customers to end by getting the fake products. The best choices are Coach Outlet Store online. These stores are spread in all parts of the world and offer discounted but original products. The answer is not complicated. The customers must buy only from the official stores backed from the Coach.

These fake coach purses are most of the times not up to the mark. Coach online stores are generally found in big shopping malls of the cities. Prices are a heavy constraint on the tight budget of most of us. The basic question here is that how a person can solve the issue of not buying the replica coach by paying the price of genuine products.

In a word, Coach Outlet Store impress us that coach handbags sell good quality. Besides, these handbags coach have a long warranty period.


Various e/p Pressure transducers use piston-sensing sensor

The Series Pressure transducers are robust, industrial pressure gages that can be used to measure pressure drop across filters, strainers, pumps, chillers and heat exchangers. The preferred source for your complete range of practical and affordable instrumentation, is announcing the release of its electro pneumatic transducer.

The Series i/p transducer contains a piston-sensing element which provides a wide offering of ranges from 6 PSID up to 250 PSID. All models have an outstanding over pressure rating of up to 3000 or 6000 PSI depending on body material chosen. All ranges are dual scale of PSID and BAR and provide FS accuracy. Series PTGD gages are available in Aluminum or 316 Stainless Steel with standard in-line ¼" FNPT connections.

All models have over pressure rating of up to5000-6000, replying on body material, and all ranges are dual-scale and provide ±2% FS accuracy. E /p transducer drop across filters, strainers, pumps, chillers, and heat exchangers offer ranges from 6-205.


“Father is now over sixty, but he still wants to work to save up for a house to be built
for me,” a friend of mine from North China told me.
That put me in mind of my father. My father was very much like his.
Father went through untold hardships for me all his life. He brought me up, sent me to
school, had a house built for me and bought me a few mu of land. He went to Hankou to
engage in trade the year when he was already sixty. And he tried to make out that he was
still in his fifties lest people should consider him too old to be of much use. We had all
tried to dissuade him from going out to Hankou, but he simply wouldn’t listen and left
home carrying the luggage on his back.

“Let me toil a few more years for my son’s sake!” That was what he said.
It happened afterwards that the house was burned down. And he wanted to go back to
his business in order to have the house rebuilt. I tried to console him, saying that there was
no need for him to do it because in three years’ time I myself would have laid by enough
money for a new house. He agreed. Then he gave me a lot of building materials and told
me what to do with them. Shortly before his death, he urged me,
“You’d better get started right away so that I can watch to see that everything is done
Unfortunately he didn’t live long enough to see the new house. He told me on his
deathbed that had nothing to feel sorry about. But I knew he would be much happier if he
could live a few more years just to see the new house put up. When I heard his dying
groans and sighs, I believed they were caused not by physical pain, but by regret for not
being able to live a few more years to help me with the new house.
Now I myself am a father of several children. Though I love my kids, I do not share
the idea of father and people of his time that one can never do too much in his lifetime to
help his children. Much as I admire father and people of his time for their moral excellence,
I can never follow in their footsteps.
I think of my children as an encumbrance to me I haven’t worked out a long-term plan
for them, nay, not even a short-term one.
“I’d like to give away my kids to anyone who’s willing to take them!” That’s what I
say whenever I am fed up with them.
Alas, compared with father and people of his time, the present generation, I think,
have pitifully low vitality. We in our twenties or thirties cannot compare with our elders in
their sixties or seventies. Today they may be advanced in years or even no more, but they
will, nevertheless, live forever and ever.
As for us, though still alive, we have long been dead.


My Everlasting Dream and Pursuit

In 1911, I was born into a petty Landlord family in a remote county town in
Heilongjiang Province—a town situated virtually at the northeastern tip of China. We had
snow there for as long as one third of a year.
Father, driven by avarice, often became very unfeeling. He would treat his servants,
his own children and even my grandpa alike with meanness and indifference, not to say
with ruthlessness.Once, due to a dispute over house rent, he took away by force a tenant’s horse-drawn
cart and drove it home. The tenant’s family came to see grandpa and, dropping to their
knees, tearfully related their troubles. Grandpa unharnessed the two chestnut horses and
retuned them to tenant.
That touched off a night-long quarrel between father and grandpa. “The two horses
mean nothing to us, but everything to the poor,” argued grandpa. Father, however, refused
to listen. Mother died when I was nine. From then on father went from bad to worse. Even
a mere cup accidentally broken by someone would send him into such a violent rage that
we all shivered with fear. Later, whenever I happened to walk past him, he would even
have his eyes directed sideways, which made me feel like being pricked all over on thorns.
When he looked askance at me, superciliousness gushed from his eyes down the bridge of
his nose and then off the corners of his mouth.
Often of a snowy evening, we children would hang about grandpa by a heating stove,
listening to him reading poems aloud and meanwhile watching his busy ruddy lips.
Whenever father had given me a beating, I would seek solace in grandpa’s room
where I would stay gazing out of the window from dusk till late into the night while
snowflakes were flying like cotton and the lid of the kettle over the heating stove rattling
like a musical instrument playing an accompaniment.
Grandpa would place his wrinkled hand on my shoulder and then on my head, saying,
“Grow up quick, poor child! You’ll be all right after you’ve grown up.”
I fled from home at twenty. And so far I still live the life of a vagrant.
True, I’ve “grown up”, but I’m not yet “all right”.
Nevertheless, from grandpa I’ve learned that apart from coldness and hatred, there is
also warmth and love in life. Hence my everlasting dream and pursuit of this “warmth” and


The Second Test

Professor Su Lin, a well-known expert on vocal music, found something very
puzzling. Twenty-year-old girl Chen Yiling from Chorus Training Class of more than 200
students had come out exceedingly well in the preliminary test, scoring high marks in
vocal music, sightsinging ear training and music theory. Her beautiful tone color and broad
range, in particular, won high praise. But, to the great disappointment of everybody, she
failed the second test. The professor, who had trained a large number of students, many of
them now of international fame, had never seen a young girl with a brilliant talent. And the
above strange happening was something he had never known before.
The preliminary test took place in a specious hall of antique style. Chen Yiling stoodcalmly before the eminent vocal music experts on the Test Committee. When she finishedsinging Xian Xinghai’s famous When February Comes, throngs of listeners could be seenstanding entranced outside the doors and windows, and even the professors, who usuallywore an air of casual indifference, could not help exchanging knowing looks at one another.At it was required of each candidate to sing a foreign song as well, Chen sang the aria Unbel di from the Italian opera Madama Butterfly. The audience were amazed by her splendidtone color and deep comprehension. Even Professor Su, known for his strict demands, alsonodded his approval, his stern eyes twinkling with delight. Chen, wearing a light greenwoollen sweater and close-fitting brown trousers, stood there like a graceful tree on aspring morning. However, under the silent stare of so many eyes, the smiling girl appearedsomewhat ill at ease.The second test came to pass a week later. The result of this test was to determineeach candidate’s fate-accepted or otherwise, and what his or her future career would belike. With most of the candidates already eliminated by the preliminary test, this secondtest was even more demanding in every respect. All celebrated local musicians werepresent. During the test almost all Test Committee members and visitors wore a harsh andnitpicking look. Nevertheless, they were all under the impression that all the remainingcandidates Chen would undoubtedly be the last one to fail the second test.Unfortunately, the result was contrary to everybody’s expectation. When Chen’s turncame last, she sang the same two songs, but her voice was unpleasant and utterly lacklusteras if she were no longer her old herself. Was it due to stage fright, nervousness orindisposition? People even suspected some sort of impropriety in her private life. Theystared at each in speechless despair and eyed her questioningly. Weariness was written allover her face. Her bright eyes now looked dejected and dull. And the corners of herotherwise playful mouth wore an expression of unspeakable anxiety. But, as a whole, shewas bright, candid and trustworthy. People just could not understand what little accident, ifany, had been the cause of her frustration. She smiled apologetically and disappeared outof the room.Professor Su was obviously upset. He had always believed that to win people’sgenuine love and esteem, an artist must first of all be exemplary in every way, first of all anoble-minded person. A singer was of course no exception. But a girl like Chen, who hadno urge for self-improvement, would never become a successful singer. He turned in angerto look out of the window. The city had just been hit by the worst typhoon of the year. Theground outside was strewn with broken twigs and dry leaves. Fallen bamboo fences on thesodden ground. What a pitiful sight!The Test committee were divided in their opinions about Chen. Some held out littlehope of her achieving success as a vocalist, saying that the two tests had shown her voicefar from able to hold its own. Others wanted to give her an opportunity for another try.Professor Su, however, had a view of his own. He thought it important to find the rootcause of her failure in the second test. He maintained that if her failure was due to herquestionable attitude towards her career and life, she should on no account be admitted nomatter how highly gifted she was. That, he said, should be the first and foremost of allthings to be considered.Now what on earth was the cause of her failure?Professor Su got Chen’s application form for enrollment form his secretary andunderlined in red pencil the address she had put down on it. The photo attached to the formshowed a very cute face with a pretty little mouth, lucid guileless eyes and a nose whichwould pucker up a little bit whenever she smiled. All that seemed to warn the professoragainst treating a person in a simplistic way—a person alive with thought and emotion.There must be certain practical aspects of the young girl which the simple application formmade no mention of. Her failure to pass the second test might mean her life-long divorcefrom music and hence a permanent stifling of her musical talent. Should that be the case,the professor, whose duty it was to foster young musical talents, would never forgivehimself.The next morning, Professor Su took the first tram of the day. Thanks to the addressgiven on the application form, he finally managed to find the secluded street in Yangshupu.The moment he stepped into the lane, he was taken aback by what he saw.There were broken walls, charred beams of a ghastly black and scorched rags hereand there among debris—all telling of the destruction wrought by the recent typhoon andthe ensuring fire. Since early in the morning, some people had already been busyingthemselves amongst the rubble.Professor Su, with a slip of paper in hand, was wondering where to find the addresswhen all of sudden he heard a child crying out randomly from an upstairs window of theopposite building, like a singer practicing his voice:“Mi—yi—yi—yi—, ma—ah—ah—ah—” The professor could not help smiling. Heguessed right that the kid was Chen’s younger brother affectedly parroting his elder sister’svoice.The professor then learned from the child that his elder sister Chen, ex-member of thePLA art troupe, was now on the administrative staff of a factory after being transferredfrom the army to civilian work in Shanghai. As a Youth Leaguer, she was enthusiastic andearnest. Whenever the factory or her neighborhood was in need of some help, she wasalways considered the right person to approach. Just a couple of days before, the neighborhoodhad caught fire as a result of electric wire sparking caused by the typhoon.Consequently, many families were left homeless. Chen spent a sleepless night caring forthe disaster victims, which in turn affected her voice. The next day, when it occurred to herthat it was the very day for the second test, she blurted out, “Oh, my!” Yet, she went to thetest all the same.That was the whole story.“Look, she’s still busy working over there!” exclaimed the child from the window,gesticulating with his raised hand. “Let me call her! I’ll go and call her!”“No, don’t. But just tell your sister that she’s been admitted after passing the secondtest! She has every qualification for being a superb singer, hasn’t she? I’ve almost made amistake!”The professor walked away from Chen’s house, and that very quickly. Yes, his bosomswelling with a thrill, he wanted to hurry back to let everybody know of the music studenthe had discovered and the whole story about her.


An Inkwash Painting

The sky was a sheet of murky grey, completely devoid of sunlight.
The sea was a ghastly dark blue. The gentle waves licking at the shore gave forth a
humming sound like that of fish in shoals.
All that foreboded a storm.
Some isles in the sea stood quiet and still like ebony sculptures.
I walked towards the sandy beach carrying my lunch-box and then sat inside a fishing
boat moored at the seashore.
What an insipid and dreary scene! I opened the lunch-box only to have it covered up
Looking back, I caught sight of a lonely crematorium looming out of a pine wood. Its
towering red-brick chimney was giving off wisps of grayish smoke.


Honest Poverty

I have been engaged in the revolutionary struggle for more than a decade. During these long militant years, I have lived a plain life with no luxuries to speak of. Millions of dollars passed through my hands, but I always saw to it that every singly cent of the money raised for the revolution was spent for no other purposes. This may sound like a miracle or an exaggeration to Kuomintang VIPs. Self-discipline and self-sacrifice, however, are the virtue characteristic of a communist. Therefore, should anyone inquire of me about my personal savings, let him read the following amusing episode: On the day of my capture—a most inauspicious day it was—two Kuomintang soldiers discovered me in a wood. Sizing me up, they thought they had come upon a windfall and started making a frantic body search, hopefully to find on me hundred of silvers dollars or some jewellery like gold bracelets or rings. They frisked me from top to toe and passed their hands over everything on me from the collar of my jacket to the soles of my socks, but, contrary to their expectation, they found nothing at all, not even a single copper, except a watch and a fountain pen. They were exasperated, suspecting that I had my money hidden somewhere and refused to give it up. One of the two men had in his left hand a wooden-handled grenade. He pulled out the cord from inside the wooden handled and moved his legs one step apart as if he was about to throw the grenade. Glowering at me ferociously, he threatened loudly, “Out with your money quick, or you die!” “Hey!” I said drily with a faint smile. “Don’t you put on such nasty airs! True I haven’t got a single copper with me. You’re barking up wrong tree to seek a fortune from me.” “Shit! Nobody can ever believe a big shot like you ain’t got no money!” the soldier with the grenade remained wholly incredulous. “No money?” the other soldier joined in. “Impossible! It must be hidden somewhere. No fooling an old hand like me.” Meanwhile, he bent low to pass his hand again meticulously over every nook and corner of my clothes and the crotch of my trousers, still holding out high hopes of making a new discovery. “You should believe me and stop messing around!” I explained again. “Unlike your Kuomintang officials who’re rolling in money, I’m really penniless. We join the revolution not for personal gain.” Finally, when they knew for certain that there was no money on me, they gave up the body search. Nevertheless, they lowered their heads to scan here and there the place where I had hidden myself, but again in vain. How frustrated they must have felt! The soldier holding grenade pushed the cord back into its wooden handle, and turned round to scramble for my watch and fountain pen. The two men, however, settled their dispute by agreeing to divide the money equally between them after selling the spoils. They eyed me up and down with suspicion and amazement before barking out in chorus,” come along!” Dear readers, maybe you wish to know if I have any private property at home. Just a minute! Let me see… Ah, here it is, but nothing much though. I have left with my wife for safekeeping a few changes of used underwear and a few pairs of socks with mended soles, all of which I used to wear last summer. She has now put them away in a remote mountain valley to prevent them from being stolen in case of Kuomintang attack, so that I may wear them again this summer. These are all the property I have to my name. But wouldn’t the declaration of my “family treasures” make myself an object of lively ridicule to the rich? To remain honest though poor, to live a clean and simple life—that is what we revolutionaries count on to overcome innumerable difficulties!


Wayside Roses

Rambling through a pine forest early in the morning, I came across a bunch of
forsaken roses lying by the shady wayside. They were still fresh in colour. One was
purplish-red, another pink, still another a sickly ivory-yellow slightly tinged with
I picked them up in my hand.
The numerous fine dewdrops on the fresh green leaves clearly showed that the roses
had just been cast away the previous night.
Were they pitiful maidens deflowered by fickle men? Or were they unlucky young
men fooled by frivolous women?
Last night’s whispers of love; this morning’s drops of cold dew…
I brought the roses home and tried to find a flower vase to keep them in.
Flower vase I had none, but I did find in a nook of my room an empty earthen wine
bottle with its neck broken.
--O dear roses, though unable to treat you to spring wine, I could offer you limpid
spring water and my sincere pure heart. Wouldn’t it be better for you to wither away in
solitude in this broken earthen wine bottle than to lie abandoned by the roadside and be
trodden down upon?