This season designer LV presents us a funny designer handbag which is Jokes Graduate Bag. You may doubt how and why it is funny. As a matter of fact, it features funny appearance and funny jokes. The designer LV handbags are basically a monogram bag that has been stained by paint and have jokes written on the body.
As for me, I really don't consider it is a funny joke. Nevertheless, we still cannot deny the thinking of the famous artist. Also, if you are a person who don’t like too many words printed your bag, that isn't the one for you. As a matter of fact, it is the great collaboration of LV creative director Marc Jacobs and Richard Prince that create such a particular funny design.
Generally speaking, all of the designer handbags wholesale represent the essence of his works. Let's take a good look at the Monogram cheap handbags wholesale. As for where the jokes from, they are works of famous artist Richard Prince, who is known for his jokes series about sexual frustrations and middle-class American mentality. Besides, the joke and cloud are printed using a special procedure. It features rolled leather handles and zip top closure. provides a wide range of replica designer handbags including Louis Vuitton, Prada, Chanel, Gucci and many other brands. Free shipping worldwide! Welcome to Angel's blog: